Tuesday, July 31, 2007

See how they grow...

What are you growing?

Lettuce, Beets, Onions, Carrots, Radishes, and some Raspberry Bushes. We already harvested the radishes;

What have you been doing to maintain the garden?

Weeding and watering it

What are you enjoying the most about gardening?

The kids are getting excited and my husband's enthusiasm has been great too. It's nice to see the outcome, just watching the veggies grow bigger.

What challenges have you encountered?

The dogs pounded through the garden and left a bunch of holes. The crows have been bugging the garden too.

What or who has been the biggest help in your gardening success?

My kids and my husband.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Here we go!

Name: Pansy Wright-Simms

Resident of the Hazeltons Since: My whole life

Favorite vegetable dish: Brocolli salad

Past gardening experience: None!!!!

Soil Conditions: Hard-packed clay. The site for installing the raised-bed has about an inch of topsoil overtop for the lawn, but underneath it's a desert!

Participating in the garden Challenge because: Like healthy food, has always wanted a garden.

Biggest Challenge: Maintaining garden and keeping kids out of it.

Goals: Grow BIG and LOTS! Would like to grow lettuce, carrots, onions, and potatoes